A Space for Self-Discovery & Growth

Coaching Sessions, Cacao Ceremony, Breathwork, Feminine Embodiment, Somatics, Gut health & Ancestral Healing

The Golden Path of Transformation

Welcome to the Golden Path of Transformation - a powerful tool that will help you unlock the best version of yourself in 12 key areas of your life. These areas include Creativity, Finances, Career, Education, Physical Activity, Home cooking, Home Environment, Relationships, Social Life, Joy, Spirituality, and Pleasure.

Imagine a life where you are living to your fullest potential, where your strengths are amplified, your weaknesses are healed, and you are able to find balance in all aspects of your life. The Golden Path of Transformation will guide you towards this reality.

By utilizing this tool, you will be able to identify the areas of your life that need attention, while deepening your understanding of those areas that are already thriving. You will establish healthy habits and transform your life for the better.

The Golden Path of Transformation is not just about change, it is about growth, expansion, and realizing your true potential. Embrace this journey with open arms, and watch as your life begins to transform in ways you never thought possible.

Are you ready?

“I believe that individual healing creates the collective consciousness necessary to elevate the vibration and health of the planet.”

Paula De La Selva


Nutrition isn't just about fueling your body; it's about nourishing your soul. We call it the Food of the Body and the Food of the Soul.

Remember that feeling of being in love, when everything tasted amazing? That's the Food of the Soul in action. On the flip side, when you're sad or depressed, you may lose your appetite, craving the Food of the Soul instead.

The Food of the Soul encompasses everything that nurtures your mind and soul: your career, relationships, physical activity, finances, home environment, and social life. When one of these areas is out of balance, we often turn to junk food as a quick fix.

But by taking care of your body and soul through nutrition and self-care rituals, we can bring balance back into your life. Let's work together to achieve your deepest desires and live a fulfilling life.

Embrace the power of positive thinking.

“The way you think, the way you behave, the way you eat, can influence your life by 30 to 50 years.”
-Deepak Chopra

Manifest your new reality.

“Self-awareness is exploring our own identity. Everyone needs to find their true identity, their real self, the basic reason why we’re here, our raison d’etre.”

- Ram Dass

Harness the power of your story.

“The privilege of a lifetime is being who you are.” - Joseph Campbell


Cultivate gratitude

“If you say one prayer in a day, make it “Thank you”. -Rumi

Become your true healing self.

Embrace an attitude of acceptance and step into lifelong learning.

There is no one-size-fits-all program in wellness

During our sessions, we will integrate a healthier lifestyle by shifting your habits & mindset to change the way you feel on a daily basis for optimal health and vitality.

By the end of our tailored program, you will be clear on how to set up a holistic lifestyle plan for yourself applicable to your daily life that helps you have the most joy, live in love, fulfill your purpose, and optimize your health on a daily basis.



1:1 In-Person Session


If you feel called to discover self-love through small daily actions that will turn into lifelong habits and bring more balance into your life, then join me in this transformational journey! One private session is plating a seed for your curiosity and desire for growth!

Includes: Cacao Ceremony, Embodiment practices, Somatic tools, Breathwork, Sound bath and more!

1:1 3-Months Program

(Bundle & Save 28%)


By the end of our program, you will be clear on how to set up a holistic lifestyle plan for yourself applicable to your daily life that helps you have the most joy, live in love, fulfill your purpose, and optimize your health on a daily basis.

1:1 Program Sessions


During our sessions, we will integrate a healthier lifestyle by shifting your habits & mindset to change the way you feel on a daily basis for optimal health and vitality.

1:1 6-Months Program

(Bundle & save +35%)


This is my signature program, let me tell you why…In order to make lifelong transformations integrate new habits, learn more about yourself, and dig deeper this is the optimal amount of time that I recommend for our work.

In this framework, we’ll be able to gain clarity and achieve breakthroughs going through your layers of consciousness, passing through ego, second-hand beliefs, systems and integrating all the information gathered in a 6-months period of time.

Group Sessions


Feel supported within a community with the same wellness goals to keep yourself accountable. Includes: Cacao Ceremonies, Breathwork Workshops, Women’s Circles, Retreats & more!

Relationship Coaching: 3-Months Program


Relationships are one of the most important pillars of our Circle of Life. When we cultivate healthy relationships many other areas start to thrive. So let’s do this together!

If you and your partner are ready to connect on a deeper level, communicate without words, set healthy boundaries, and keep building a long-lasting bond focusing on wellness, pleasure and health sign up for this program!

Begin your transformational journey today

How it works…

1. Book your consultation

To evaluate if we’re a good fit, and make sure you get the best-personalized wellness coaching, we will start with a short meeting where we will talk about your specific needs and expectations.

2. Make your payment

Depending on your offer choice payment will be done by card upfront or cash-paying with a 20% deposit.  

3. Fill out a questionnaire

Before our first session, I kindly ask you to fill out a small questionnaire to best evaluate your current health situation and see where we need to best tailor the coaching.

I’m so excited to meet you!